Anyway, with my inhibitions diminished I talked to a bunch of people on the beach and I’m on my way to making some friends. My favorite people I met were this woman Susanna from Arkansas who had a 6 year old kid named Fairy Sprinkles, the exceptionally beautiful woman that I noticed last week who is a glass artist, and this man named Charles who is a rogue professor from Swarthmore. He taught music, dance, and religion and would come here in the summers and then he took a sabbatical here and they are still waiting for him to come back. Apparently he still works with them sort of, so we had some fun conversations about the tri-co and Philly. I really liked this guy, his positive spirit was radiating.
The other cool thing about the beach is that both weeks that I’ve been there, there has been huge rainbows in the sky as I’m leaving. So freaking beautiful.
So today I worked in the morning and then Mike and I crammed into Michaels truck and went to the hot ponds. It was high tide when we got there so there was more ocean water in the pond then fresh water, so it was colder than usual and REALLY salty. It was cool, I could float easily on my back with my legs crossed and my hands behind my head like I was lying on the water It was almost like when I went swimming in the Dead Sea . But the salt was bothering my eyes so I got out sooner then I usually would.
Now Mike and I had some dinner and we’re hanging out in the tree house, and I decided to take some pictures with the webcam. It’s pretty shitty. But here are some pics of the tree house…
The stairs upstairs. Is that redundant?
The top of the tree and you can kind of see the other nook/dining area
The counter/sink
This is the showerhead and the coconut tree that is behind it
And finally, so you don’t forget what I look like.. Plus a dragon fruit! How cool is this fruit?
only read an entry or 2 and don't really know exactly where you are or exactly what your doing but it seems very eco-friendly, totally cool, educational, and very laid back. You look happy and that makes me happy. sending love, Mz