Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I guess he’s more of an X-Box and I’m more of an Atari

…gotta love Cee-lo.

I was really worn out from my hike on Sunday but it didn’t really hit until yesterday, but I crashed out at like 6:30pm and slept right until 6:30am. It was crazy, I woke up at midnight and thought it was really late but had already slept 6 hours. Needless to say, woke up well rested and ready for work. Apparently I even slept through the giant pig coming back and Becky chasing it away from near my cabin with a broom.

I really enjoy work and it feels so good to be able to say that. There is no reason not to be doing what you want to. I feel like I was a piece of a puzzle with a pretty obscure shape and I fit perfectly into a little notch on this island. Apparently, I’ve been reduced to analogies.

Anyway, this morning I planted 500 tomato seeds including the Geronimo variety :) and I continued to work on hanging string from the greenhouse ceiling and clipping them to the keikis for support. Here’s a picture of the progress.


I also decided that I’m going to make a stop frame movie charting the progress of tomato plant growth in the greenhouse. It’ll take a few months to take the pictures, but I think it’ll be really cool. I know you’ll be holding on to your seats in anticipation. But in the meantime, here are some of the beautiful tomatoes that are ripening in another area of the greenhouse


I saw some guys surfing yesterday and I really got to thinking about it and how much fun it looks. I really have to try it. I am such a water baby and why wouldn’t I want to play on the water and go really fast on a board? It’s on the list. Here’s the beach where they were surfing…


A cat has adopted me! It’s name is Boo Bear, but I call it Boo Boo. It (unclear of gender, but who cares, anyway?) just started hanging out at my cabin rubs against my legs whenever I come through. Boo is really cute and when it wants me to keep petting it, it gives me a little love bite on my finger. Pretty cute, but I haven’t decided if I want it to live in my house with me yet. Boo keeps scratching at the front screen and I feel a little bad. Here we are…


I also saw the tiniest frog… so freaking cute.


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