Monday, November 8, 2010

Jurassic Climate Realization

Thank you for the comments, I was feeling at the time sort of lonely or something. I haven’t had internet at the farm for the past couple of weeks and so I’m just now uploading this post that I made a couple weeks ago. I’ve been continuing to have a really good time here and I’m more and more comfortable being here and doing the things that I do.

I’ve been keeping an extremely healthy lifestyle and it’s becoming apparent in my physical, mental, and emotional condition. It’s so easy to eat good fresh local food and I have been so active consistently, it’s kind of incredible. This place is so conducive to being healthy, that I’m really getting into it and I am continuing to feel better wholly then I have in a long time.

Anyway, to the realization------------

Michael and I were eating lunch in Hilo at the Queens gardens and I realized right there in front of me were cycads. CYCADS! Now, if you don’t know, cycads, are a time of prehistoric plant that are sort of like giant pineapples and not only are they still around as a living fossil in some places including Hawaii, but they were also one of the primary plants during the Triassic/Jurassic. This means that I am living in a similar climate to when the dinosaurs were around! This may not seem so incredible to some, but to me, this is fantastic- the warm climate isn’t only nice for the fact that it’s November and I’m still swimming and wearing shorts but it’s also more plausible that if there were still dinosaurs, they might be here. Probably not though, since this is an island in the middle of the ocean, but perhaps there could be dwarf dinosaurs…

Here are some pictures of the cycads. They’re so cool in real life. I have and have seen a bunch of cycad fossils but touching live ones was soo cool.

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There are also an incredible amount of different fern species (also an early type of plant in plant evolution) and they have great displays of rows of spores on the underside.

Other things- I went to a rave/party a couple weekends ago, which was definitely interesting. The most interesting part being trying to make my way back to my bed late at night. Good thing was I was with a new friend named Barclay and we had a really good time walking by the moonlight and adventuring into places we shouldn’t have been. It was fun going out, since that’s not really something I’ve done a lot since I’ve been here, but I remembered how much I dislike drunk people. Although there were a lot of really entertaining people who were tripping or rolling on other various drugs and they weren’t bad at all. There was also fire dancing! Apparently, fire spinning is really popular here and that was the first time I’ve seen it on the island but since then, I’ve seen it 4 or 5 more times. It’s mesmerizing to watch someone manipulate fire and move with it in a rhythmic beautiful way.

It’s almost as incredible as watching the earth play with fire…


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